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:root a[href^=""], :root #taw > .med + div > #tvcap > .mnr-c:not(.qs-ic) > .commercial-unit-mobile-top, :root a[onmousedown^="this.href='"][target="_blank"], :root [data-adblockkey], :root [href^=""] { display: none !important; }
CC <p class="blink_text" style="font-size:45px;color: white;text-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #00ffff , 0px 0px 20px #00ffff;font-family:Share Tech Mono;" Hacker Hacker Ma Van Nam


Message to China

You couldn't escape our pursuit. Your website was hacked not because of your ignorance but because we love you Xi Jinping wait for us to attack


You couldn't escape our pursuit. Your website was hacked not because of your ignorance but because we love you Xi Jinping wait for us to attack

#Opchina #ANONYMOUS VN #Cyber 1995 Vietnam #Nit X #_Vx BiAnn


<h3 onclick="alert('Your website has been locked by ANONYMOUS VN');" HACKED
  h3{ color: #000000; text-decoration: none; border-radius:0px; border:0px;margin:0px; padding:0px; animation:jembot 0.5s linear infinite; } @keyframes jembot{ 2%{color:white;}3%{transform:translate(2px,-10px) skewX(3500deg);}5%{transform:translate(0px,0px) skewX(0deg);}2% , 54%{transform:translateX(0px) skew(0deg);}55%{transform:translate(-2px,6px) skew(-5530deg);}56%{transform:translate(0px,0px) skew(0deg);}57%{transform:translate(4px,-10px) skew(-70deg);}58%{transform:translate(0px,0px) skew(0deg);}62%{transform:translate(0px,20px) skew(0deg);}63%{transform:translate(4px,-2px) skew(0deg);}90%{transform:translate(1px,3px); skew(-230deg);}95%{transform:translate(-7px,2px); skew(-120deg);}100%{transform:translate(0px,0px) skew(0deg);}